Wolfram Manufacturing Technologies is a vertically integrated advanced technology and manufacturing company.
We help firearm manufacturers run more productive operations and solve unique manufacturing challenges by:
  • Maximizing the visibility of manufacturing data to all levels of an organization in real time to speed decision making.

  • Integrating smart tools to take control of the shop floor to drive efficiency and reduce downtime.

  • Offering lights out production manufacturing services that leverage and demonstrate each of the technologies we offer, day in and day out.

  • Filling resource gaps through tailored engineering services to implement new processes, training, equipment, and automation technology.

OnTakt XMC Machine Monitoring Software Wolfram

Increase Profitability with Actionable Data

Gathering and visualizing useful data from your machines shouldn’t require an entire digital transformation of your operations. Whether you are looking to pull data from your equipment to leverage in your existing enterprise systems or you’re looking for an all-in-one product with pre-built visualization modules, we have you covered.

Smart Manufacturing

Wolfram Manufacturing Technologies is the exclusive certified integrator and distributor for Caron Engineering products covering the western half of the United States. Our team has been working with Caron Engineering since before Wolfram was formed and knew integration was essential for success. Wolfram’s success deploying Caron Engineering solutions for our manufacturing customers is built around our in-depth daily use of Caron products in our own production machine shop that runs 24/7 lights out manufacturing.

Caron Engineering

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Click below to access all of the product information for Smart Manufacturing Solutions from Wolfram Manufacturing Technologies and Caron Engineering. Access all the information you need to get started with 24/7 lights out production.

Download Case Studies

Click below to learn how other manufacturers are benefiting from Smart Manufacturing Solutions. 90% of our customers are repeat customers as a result of a full suite of products with a strong return on investment across a wide range of industries.