Save $1,400 tracking variables with OnTakt
Tracking historical data part by part can drive continuous improvement at your shop
OnTakt has the ability to track macro or common variables in your CNC machines. In this video we show you how you can look at historical data captured in OnTakt to drive continuous improvement at your shop. In this quick example we saved $1,400 in scrapped parts by:
- Identifying an issue through data captured with an in-machine probe
- Finding a potential solution to the problem
- Proving that we solved the problem through data captured after the fix was put in place
Watch how we set up and track variables in OnTakt as well as how we analyzed the data to identify the issue: LOOM VIDEO
Week until the fix paid for itself
Months until this fix paid for one year of OnTakt
Year of Maintenance Costs for OnTakt, Paid for Every Single Month