Using OnTakt Machine Monitoring and Production Management Software to Justify Robotics & Automation

Is it still robotics week? Quite a few people ask ask us how we justify automation at our own shop. We use our OnTakt software and its built-in downtime reporting feature to instantly tell how much downtime is costing us. This type of easily accessible data makes it simple to calculate the ROI of adding additional robotics and automation.

Want to see additional ways that you can justify OnTakt at your shop? Check out our case studies that will show you what you’re missing!

Reach out to us if you’d like to see a 30 minute demo to see how you could benefit from access to your machine data.

Full Video Transcript

It’s Friday of Robotics weekend. Before the week is over, I wanted to show you how you can use our OnTakt machine monitoring and production management software to identify opportunities to add Robotics and automation to your CNC machines OnTakt’s built-in downtime reporting can instantly tell you how much downtime is costing you and it allows you to easily calculate the ROI of adding additional automation. Here’s how we used OnTakt to justify adding a robot to load and unload Parts on our FANUC Robo drill.

So, jumping over to OnTakt we click into a machine card and I’m going to show you the week that we used to originally identify downtime and calculate the ROI to justify adding a robot to our process. I start by selecting the week of January 17, 2022, and in the pink shaded areas we can see the downtime for that week this is the actual week that I use to baseline our justification of our ROI. 

Prior to adding the robot, we are only able to run this machine when an operator was standing at the machine on first shift, but we want to be able to run this machine 24/7. This is what the downtime module in OnTakt looks like OnTakt allows us to add, identify a reason for the downtime and in this instance, we’ve attributed it to an operator not being available. OnTakt automatically calculates the number of parts we could have made in this amount of time selected and assigns a value to it. So now we can go over to our reports Tab and pull the downtime report for the time-period we want the same week. We were just looking at and it shows us that if we run 24/7, we can make an additional $7,080 per week worth of parts. 

Let’s look at what our ROIs on the cell based on actual machine data I have a hardware cost and labor costs of the cell here and we can see that our Roi of adding a robot is just over two months which is pretty shocking. One of the assumptions here is that our system could run 24/7.

What if we were only able to leverage half that downtime and we assume we can make an additional $3,500 per week. Our Roi is still just over four months. We integrated this ourselves, but you could also assume if you bought your own robotic system from an integrator and your total Capital cost is 100k your ROI is still under a year at seven months. This is just one way that data from OnTakt can help you make smarter decision at your own shop.

Reach out to us if you’d like to see a 30-minute demo or learn more about how we implement automation in our own shop.