Hartwig Oktoberfest presented by Wolfram Manufacturing
Join us for Hartwig Oktoberfest, presented by Wolfram Manufacturing!
Automation Seminars at 11AM & 2PM!
“I thought robots were supposed to make everything easier?”
Hosted by Nathan Byman, President/Founder of Wolfram Manufacturing
This seminar will provide a realistic strategy for machining operations to understand process risks and focus effort on what matters to achieve automation progress ahead of the curve. Emphasis on straight forward quantitative evaluation and proven tools that reduce the barrier to entry and track wins.
Festive food and drinks served throughout the day!
See the following machines under power and in action:
Okuma LU7000-EX
Okuma MULTUS B400
Okuma VT1000EX
Okuma LB3000MYW
Okuma MCR-BV
Okuma LB3000MY w/ Armroid
Okuma MB-4000H
Okuma MU6300
Okuma LU3000
Sodick AD55L
Sodick ALN600G
Tsugami M08SY
Shibaura BTD-1105.R16
Momentum MVL-12M
Momentum MFB-4050
AWR Load & Go DC1